MD4SG '20

4th Workshop on Mechanism Design for Social Good


The full program of the workshop will take place on August 17-19, 2020, on and Zoom. Please register at this link to attend the talks and other events. Note that ET stands for current "New York, USA" time.

Sunday, August 16

Time Event Details
12:00-12:00 ET Networking Session (regional meetups) Familiarize yourself with the platform with regional meetups including participants from around the world.

Monday, August 17

Time Event Authors
10:00-10:15 ET Opening Remarks Program Chairs: Faidra Monachou and Francisco Marmolejo-Cossío
10:15-11:00 ET Keynote: Maximizing the Social Good: Markets without Money Nicole Immorlica, discussants: Illenin Kondo, Sera Linardi
11:00-11:45 ET Session 1: Education Policy and Diversity Session Chair: Bryan Wilder
11:00-11:15 ET Top Percent Policies and the Return to Postsecondary Selectivity Zachary Bleemer
11:15-11:25 ET Unequal Assignment to Public Schools and the Limits of School Choice Mariana Laverde
11:25-11:35 ET Who Gets Placed Where and Why? An Empirical Framework for Foster Care Placement Alejandro Robinson Cortes
11:35-11:45 ET Explainability in Matching Mechanisms with Diversity Goals: A Case Study of Ethiopian Universities Basiliyos Betru, Meareg Hailemariam and Rediet Abebe
11:45-12:15 ET Break
12:15-13:00 ET Keynote: How to fight white supremacist extremism while protecting civil liberties: a multidisciplinary approach using technology, research, and policy Anjana Rajan, disscussant: Roya Pakzad
13:10-14:00 ET Session 2: Technology, Law and Policy Session Chair: Ana-Andreea Stoica
13:10-13:30 ET Feminicide & Machine Learning: Detecting Gender-based Violence to Strengthen Civil Sector Activism Catherine D'Ignazio, Helena Suarez Val, Silvana Fumega, Harini Suresh, Isadora Cruxen, Wonyoung So, Maria De Los Angeles Martinez and Mariel Garcia-Montes
13:30-13:40 ET The Gender Panopticon: AI, Gender, and Design Justice Sonia Katyal
13:40-13:50 ET Privacy as Privilege Rebecca Wexler
13:50-14:00 ET "Computer says no!": Unpacking the Human in the Loop Requirement in the Context of Welfare Fraud Doaa Abu Elyounes
13:30-14:30 ET Long Break
14:30-15:30 ET Session 3: Labor Markets Session Chair: Manish Raghavan
14:30-14:45 ET The Role of Referrals in Inequality, Immobility, and Inefficiency in Labor Markets Lukas Bolte, Nicole Immorlica and Matthew Jackson
14:45-15:00 ET All Things Equal? Social Networks as a Mechanism for Discrimination Chika Okafor
15:00-15:10 ET Outside Options, Bargaining, and Wages: Evidence from Coworker Networks Sydnee Caldwell and Nikolaj Harmon
15:10-15:20 ET The Geography of Unemployment Adrien Bilal
15:20-15:30 ET Location Sorting and Endogenous Amenities: Evidence from Amsterdam Milena Almagro and Tomas Dominguez-Iino
15:30-16:15 ET Poster Session Vote now for your favorite poster.
16:15-17:00 ET Networking Session and WGs tables: Chinasa T. Okolo (Developing Nations WG), Wanyi Li & Lily Xu (Environment WG), Anson Kahng (Civic Participation WG), Richard Phillips (Inequality & Education WG), Jessie Finocchiaro (Bias/Fairness WG), Sera Linardi (Bridging research & practice)

Tuesday, August 18

Time Event Authors
10:00-10:45 ET Keynote: Tech in Support of Caregiving: Innovation Opportunities and Ecosystem Challenges Deborah Estrin, discussant: Jon Kleinberg
10:45-11:20 ET Session 4: Environment, Agriculture and Food Consumption Session Chair: Lily Xu
10:45-11:00 ET Improving Farmers' Income on Online Agri-platforms: Theory and Field Implementation of a Two-stage Auction Retsef Levi, Manoj Rajan, Somya Singhvi and Yanchong Zheng
11:00-11:10 ET Optimal Interventions for Increasing Healthy Food Consumption Among Low-Income Populations Elisabeth Paulson, Retsef Levi and Georgia Perakis
11:10-11:20 ET Simple and Approximately Optimal Contracts for Payment for Ecosystem Services Wanyi Li, Irene Lo and Itai Ashlagi
11:20-12:00 ET Long Break
12:00-12:45 ET Keynote Natalia Aríza Ramirez, discussant: Juan Felipe Penagos
12:45-13:25 ET Session 5: Education in Practice Session Chair: Rediet Abebe
12:45-13:00 ET School Choice in Chile Natalie Epstein, Jose Correa, Rafael Epstein, Juan Escobar, Ignacio Rios, Nicolas Aramayo, Bastian Bahamondes, Carlos Bonet, Martin Castillo Quintana, Andrés Cristi, Boris Epstein and Felipe Subiabre
13:00-13:15 ET Competition under Social Interactions and the Design of Education Policies Claudia Allende
13:15-13:25 ET From Pipeline to Pipelines: How Multiple Definitions of CS Education Distort CS Enrollment Data Stephanie Tena-Meza, Aj Alvero and Miroslav Suzara
13:25-14:00 ET Long Break
14:00-15:00 ET Panel Discussion (in Spanish, with live captioning) Natalia Aríza Ramirez, José R. Correa, Rafael Obregón
15:00-16:00 ET Session 6: Healthcare Session Chair: Matt Weinberg
15:00-15:15 ET Large-scale clinical trial of an AI-augmented intervention for HIV prevention in youth experiencing homelessness Bryan Wilder, Laura Onasch-Vera, Graham Diguiseppi, Robin Petering, Chyna Hill, Amulya Yadav, Eric Rice and Milind Tambe
15:15-15:30 ET Heterogeneous Donor Circles for Fair Liver Transplant Allocation Shubham Akshat, Sommer Gentry and S. Raghavan
15:30-15:40 ET Predicting no-show appointments in a pediatric hospital in Chile using machine learning Hector Ramirez, Fabian Villena Rodriguez, Jocelyn Dunstan, Victor Riquelme, Juan Pablo Hoyos, Javier Madariaga and Juan Peypouquet
15:40-15:50 ET Socioeconomic Network Heterogeneity and Pandemic Policy Response Mohammad Akbarpour, Cody Cook, Aude Marzuoli, Simon Mongey, Abhishek Nagaraj, Matteo Saccarola, Pietro Tebaldi, Shoshana Vasserman and Hanbin Yang
15:50-16:00 ET The Consequences of Medicare Pricing: An Explanation of Treatment Choice Elena Falcettoni
16:00-17:00 ET Networking Session Michelle González Amador (Desigualdad, en español), Marc Juarez & Lily Hu (Sesgo algorítmico, en español), Roya Pakzad (Human rights), Tejúmádé Àfòjá (Developing Nations), Wanyi Li & Lily Xu (Environment WG), Paul Gölz (Civic participation WG), Sam Taggart (Inequality WG), Duncan McElfresh (Bias/Fairness WG), Sara Kingsley & George R. Obaido (Data Economies WG)

Wednesday, August 19

Time Event Authors
10:15-11:00 ET Keynote: Community, Craft, and the Vernacular in Artificial Intelligence Stephanie Dinkins, discussant: Manuel Sabin
11:00-11:45 ET Session 7: Fairness and Inequality Session Chair: Jessica Finocchiaro
11:00-11:15 ET Measuring Non-Expert Comprehension of Machine Learning Fairness Metrics Debjani Saha, Candice Schumann, Duncan C. McElfresh, John P. Dickerson, Michelle L. Mazurek and Michael Carl Tschantz
11:15-11:25 ET Pipeline Interventions Eshwar Ram Arunachaleswaran, Sampath Kannan, Aaron Roth and Juba Ziani
11:25-11:35 ET Pricing with Fairness Maxime Cohen, Adam Elmachtoub and Xiao Lei
11:35-11:45 ET Public Transit Access and Income Segregation Prottoy Akbar
11:45-12:45 ET Poster Session Vote now for your favorite poster.
12:45-13:30 ET Session 8: Algorithms for Policy and Governance Session Chair: Kira Goldner
12:45-13:00 ET Modeling Assumptions Clash with the Real World: Configuring Student Assignment Algorithms to Serve Community Needs Samantha Robertson, Tonya Nguyen and Niloufar Salehi
13:00-13:10 ET The AI Economist: Improving Equality and Productivity with AI-Driven Tax Policies Stephan Zheng, Alex Trott, Sunil Srinivasa, Nikhil Naik, Melvin Gruesbeck, David Parkes and Richard Socher
13:10-13:20 ET (Machine) Learning what Governments Value Daniel Bjorkegren, Joshua Blumenstock and Samsun Knight
13:20-13:30 ET Economic Method, Digital Platform: When Mechanism Design Moves Online Salome Viljoen, Jake Goldenfein and Lee McGuigan
13:30 - 14:15 ET Session 9: Online Platforms and Civic Participation Session Chair: Daniel Freund
13:30-13:45 ET Advertising for Demographically Fair Outcomes Lodewijk Gelauff, Ashish Goel, Kamesh Munagala and Sravya Yandamuri
13:45-13:55 ET Neutralizing Self-Selection Bias in Sampling for Sortition Bailey Flanigan, Paul Gölz, Anupam Gupta and Ariel Procaccia
13:55-14:05 ET Auditing Digital Platforms for Discrimination in Economic Opportunity Advertising Sara Kingsley, Clara Wang, Alexandra Mikhalenko, Proteeti Sinha and Chinmay Kulkarni
14:05-14:15 ET Online Policies for Efficient Volunteer Crowdsourcing Vahideh Manshadi and Scott Rodilitz
14:15-14:45 ET Long Break
14:45-15:25 ET Session 10: Information Session Chair: Sam Taggart
14:45-14:55 ET Information Design for Congested Social Services: Optimal Need-Based Persuasion Jerry Anunrojwong, Krishnamurthy Iyer and Vahideh Manshadi
14:55-15:05 ET How to Provision of Information as a Public Good Robizon Khubulashvili, Mallory Avery, Kristi Bushman, Alexandros Labrinidis, Sera Linardi and Konstantinos Pelechrinis
15:05-15:15 ET Responsible Sourcing: The First Step Is the Hardest Pia Ramchandrani, Hamsa Bastani and Ken Moon
15:15-15:25 ET Anticipation and Consumption Neil Thakral and Linh To
15:25-15:40 ET Closing Remarks & Award Announcements Faidra Monachou and Francisco Marmolejo-Cossío
15:40-17:00 ET Closing Reception (Lobby @