The MD4SG initiative presented a tutorial focused on the MD4SG, with applications in healthcare, online labor markets, and matching platforms at the 13th Conference on Web and Internet Economics (WINE), held at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, in December, 2017.
Slides can be found here.
Tutorial: Youtube

Kira Goldner, Columbia University
Kira Goldner is a postdoctoral researcher at Columbia University hosted by Tim Roughgarden in the Computer Science department. Specifically, she is an NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellow and a Data Science Institute Postdoctoral Fellow. She received her PhD in computer science and engineering from the University of Washington under the advisement of Anna Karlin, during which she was been supported by a 2017-19 Microsoft Research PhD Fellowship and a 2016-17 Google Anita Borg Scholarship. Her research is in algorithmic mechanism design, with work ranging from relaxing traditional behavioral and informational assumptions, maximizing revenue in settings motivated by practice, and applying mechanism design to social good. She co-founded and co-organized MD4SG from Fall 2016 to 2018.